Hey there, my name is Priya Sharma. In today's article, I'd like to share with you a powerful off page SEO strategies that I've developed. So, without further ado, let's get right into it, but first, if you haven't already, come check me out at this domain, see what I can do for you, and let's get right into the very first piece of information that I want to give you. Powerful tools like semrush , ubersuggest are very helpful in build Best Off Page SEO strategies
I need to catch you up here, so the very first thing that I want to share with you is what exactly is a JavaScript redirect and Javascript code
What is a JavaScript redirect-
I can redirect visitors to any URL that you want, and a little bit of background information is that a javascript redirect is a client-side redirect that instructs browsers to go to a client-side meaning that it's on your website, so you control every aspect of it. I went ahead and took the liberty of going ahead and testing a piece of information that a well-respected off page SEO gave me. This is free strategies no need to invest money.
They told me Priya, did you know that a javascript redirect passes power and link equity? I didn't believe it.
So I went out and I tested it, and here's what I did. Just to keep you up to speed, I created a sub-domain utilizing an exact match keyword. Okay, so that's a subdomain.website.com Okay, now what was phenomenal about this is that I created this exact match utilizing a javascript redirect and I passed it to a brand new page just to see.
This is on a brand new domain. I got an index. Just recently, I created a page and I created a javascript redirect with a 301 just to see if this would give a boost.
The answer is an astounding, resounding yes. So the very first piece of information that I want to give you as a powerful strategy is that these javascript redirects pass power, but let's take it a little bit further.
I'm in a very competitive space with a great friend of mine. They're competing in a very competitive space. So competitive that if you search for this particular keyword here, they're number four, competing with the likes of massive brands that run in this particular space.
Not just this keyword, but tonnes of keywords, so we're trying to rank. We're not ranked yet, but this is a top competitor.
So what's wonderful and interesting about you knowing that this thing works is that it lets me share with you a semantic juice report. Now, I don't know who owns it or operates it. I'm not recommending it, but they have a cool little crawling feature. So what they do is they pull out the relevant links. They report using their own proprietary UH crawling specifications.
So what they do is they pull out the relevant links. They report
You can see here that the most potent and the most relevant pages are coming from a subdomain. This is quite remarkable. The reason why this is remarkable is that I can create a highly relevant page targeting an exact match keyword and I'm able to build links to my main website without having to build thousands of links.
So what I'll walk you through right now is the strategy behind it.
Why am I doing this? Because if we know that JavaScript redirects past power, take a look at this. I'll go ahead and map this out for you. Then I'll share with you how great this particular strategy is. What they're doing is they're using a keyword here in a subdomain all right, and they're going to their main website.com all right, and they're leaving it at that. But we're starting to utilize it for our site, and I'll let you know in another week or so.
So please note these are 301 redirects so they're sending powerful, not just cheap and powerful, but ultra-powerful expensive 301 redirect domains to this sub-domain, and then they're utilizing an overlay, so a frame plus a javascript redirect to pass not only all of the power but relevance, which is key. So this was a piece that we were stumbling through that I want to share with you because we figured this piece out ourselves.
So, as you can see here, they're pointing very powerful 301 redirects to a subdomain, and then they're pointing this with a javascript redirect in a frame to a relevant page, passing highly relevant highly powerful power to the actual domain that they want to rank, so much so that they're ranking at number four for a massive keyword along with tonnes of other keywords.
So did you see how fast it happened? That was a javascript redirect plus a frame. They did an overlay. It was very fast. It happened, as you can see from here. I'm not a JavaScript channel, I'm an SEO channel. I want to share with you a very potent strategy. So, as you can see here, the javascript plus redirect takes you to the page where they have their main overlay. I closed that out.
keyword in a subdomain-
I'll go ahead and map this out for you. So what they're doing is using a keyword in a subdomain and then linking to their main website.com. Okay, and they're leaving it at that, but what about how we're starting to utilize it for our site? I'll let you know in another week or so. We're starting with the same type of strategy. I'll let you know how it works out, but if you take a look here, what they're doing here is instead of buying cheap domains, they're taking this particular keyword here and they're building multiple 301 redirects, multiple 301 redirects, but instead of utilizing cheap domains, they're using very high potency domains.
So let me share with you exactly how this thing works. Let me share this with you, so if we come back over here to our particular report here, I'll share it with you. This happens fast, so please read this, as you can see here when you come over here to one of these pages that they're doing.
So let's take it a step further and look at the power they're deriving. If you take a look at this particular subdomain that they're utilizing again it's an exact match keyword, but they didn't just stop there. As you can see here, I'm looking at referring domains to a subdomain.
This particular brand has decided to build 1 800 referring domain to a subdomain of 800, but let's take it a step further. It's not just an 1800 link.
If you sort these out by authority, 50 to 100, these are ultra-powerful links. These links are not a joke In the 50 to 100 range, they have 800 ultra potent links coming to a subdomain and they're utilizing a javascript redirect plus a frame overlay to pass all that power, all that relevance, all that traffic, all of it. So let's take a look at this 826.
They're passing power from the likes of ESPN to the likes of the USA.
Today, NESN from all types of sports news si.com are pointing in with 301 redirects and building links as well, so they have to refer, and then they're using javascript and frame and redirect to pass all the power and relevance. This is extremely effective.
So, as you can see here they're crushing it, so I want to take you back. As you can see here, this particular strategy is just wrapping up. First and foremost javascript redirects pass power, they pass relevance, so this is a way that I can hide links, I can pass more relevant links, and I can pass all of the link equity to whatever page I want, so much so that you can start ranking for keywords much like this one.
I will walk through this strategy If you have any future questions related to off-page SEO or off-page SEO strategies, anything please feel free to go ahead and ask in the section below and I always look forward to seeing you in the next off-page SEO potent off-page SEO strategies article and pleases these types of strategies If you're a business owner reading this and you're in the local or doing affiliate marketing for something small, these types of strategies, especially in local markets like this, allow you to dominate.